You can listen to Atlantic Rock in many ways now using the popup player or using the direct link to the stream page, you can listen with apps all link are below. So we hope you choose the one you want to use. We want to make it easy for you to listen to the great music here on the station.
Below we will have the link to the popup player and the direct link, We have to direct links to the stream as sometime the stream updates itself so if link 1 ain't working then choose link 2, but if link 1 is working then link 2 wont be.
PopUp Player
(if the popup doesnt play there is links on the players or you can click the links below.)
Direct Links
Other Links
Tunein Website & Apps
- Note: If you use the apps, make sure your on Wifi, otherwise it does use up your data.
Parental Guidance
We want to put this up as some songs by artists are not always clean and Atlantic Rock can't always get the dubbed or clean edit. The amount of songs out there it would take far too long to edit them all. So this is a warning that you may hear some songs with swearing in them so its upto you if you want to listen in. Not all shows will have songs that have swearing in them as presenters might use there own stuff. We want to bring you the best in music and we do try our best to get clean and dubbed edits for you the listeners. We hope this doesnt put you off and you contiune to listen to the station.